3938 poze   38944 vizite
---I am a joker_I am a smoker_I am a midnight toker-Facts about me---SERIALELE---   00--MY MOVIES--00      1_Vise si fantezii_1      2_The love triangle_2      3_Satra lu Diamanta_3      4_The Princess_From royalty to slavery_4      5_It s all about us_5      6-From Carcaliu with love-6      7_Dima_Vlyubitsya v moyego poklonnika_7         Epi 1-The end of beginning--JOCURI--   Xx-Create your lolita girl-xX   Xx-Create your princess-xX   Xx-Ghiceste Melodia-xX00--Anunt--00   0ooo0-JOCURI-CONCURSURI-0ooo000-12 septembrie_LA MULTI ANI MIE-0000-A_NEW_BEGGINING_Me_and_Bubu-0000-Care imi dati report intruna-0000-Ce face un prunc fara minte ca si je-00   00-Louie_Regele_Poze diverse_pamflet-0000-Ce semnifica numele printesinei-0000-Cumnateeeeeiii-0000-Dau comentarii-0000-Dovada discriminatorie-0000-Edituri_Care vrea-0000-Help_Draga cititori_Alegeti rochia-0000-Iar cerseste Lolu atentie-0000-Iubiiiiiiii-0000-Lolu via 2015-00   00-Inesel via 2015-0000-Louie si cmbp sau Semenov-Seamana leit-0000-Lounes-NovoyeNachalo-00   00-12 July La multi ani Inesita_My precious princess-00   00-16 January La multi ani Lolu_interview with my handsome prince-00      Loluuuuu Eleganta Perversitate Talent Frumusete Inteligenta 5n1poze diverse si altele 2015_Ask me ab   00-Lounes One Year-Rejele si Rejina implinesc un anisor impreuna0000-Noul viitor al manelelor_In curind-00   Vedetele noastre_Cei mai de elita manelisti si maneliste00-Piei aghiuta-0000-Puradelu lu Lolu_Cel mai frumos copilas-0000-Quotes by I_R_E_V_R-0000-Replici des folosite de Ini si Lolu-0000-Sebytza_Cel mai sacsos copchil-0000-Stai calm si iubeste rusoaicele-0000-Tatuajul lui Lolu-0000-The moods of Louie-Idee originala-PS Ii pamflet-0011-----We wish you a Merry Christmas_Abudibudabu_And a happy new year_Abudibudabu-----1116 ani si doi ochi negriAdda feat Teasta-Minti murdare facute prafBalaura pe vremea cand era pe soseaua de shientura din MoscovaBlondie-babeCe observati ciudat la poza astaCe parere avetiCorinaftSmileyftDonbaxter-Imi place la tine tot lyricsCu-n ochi la faina s-unu la slanina_Godzilla cand era mica_BeaBalaura_EnormousBigPrastaDeci nu cred_Ma electrocutez_Uite acum_Ma chinui si mor   S-au impacat_Acum pot dormi linistitaDelia plsDierie verbalaIMVU-PozeJohann_Nu ai cum sa nu-l iubestiLana Del Rey-Without You lyricsMarean_plsMihai Eminescu era gagicar_Love you MishuleMor_Cad_Pic_Leashan_Ce ochi_framasi_ariMotivul pt care lumea se uita la 50_Shades of GreyMy_drawingspt xxconcursuriQq_Idols_qQRiri_BlondieTt-TWINCEST-60 days ore more with Bill and Tom Kaulitz from TH-tTWwW-Your opinion about my account-Back-WwWXx--Rammstein_Nemtii mei frumosi_xXxXFriendsXxXxPentru qFreedomq_Miriam_Pletosul Lui Ines in tineretexXZZ-Ask Me-ZZZZ-Facts about me-ZZ   FACTS_ABOUT_ME_NEW

membru din 29 decembrie 2011

Lana Del Rey-Without You lyrics

Everything I want I have:
Money, notoriety and rivieras.
I even think I found God
In the flash bulbs of the pretty cameras,
Pretty cameras, pretty cameras.
Am I glamorous? Tell me am I glamorous?

Hello? Hello?
C-can you hear me?
I can be your china doll
If you want to see me fall.
Boy, you're so dope,
Your love is deadly.
Tell me life is beautiful,
They all think I have it all.
I'm nothing without you.
All my dreams and all the lights mean
Nothing without you.

Summertime is nice and hot,
And my life is sweet like vanilla is.
Gold and silver line my heart
But burned into my brain are these stolen images,
Stolen images, baby, stolen images.
Can you picture it,
Babe, the life we could've lived?

Hello? Hello?
C-can you hear me?
I can be your China doll
If you like to see me fall.
Boy, you're so dope,
Your love is deadly.
Tell me life is beautiful,
They all think I have it all.
I'm nothing without you.
All my dreams and all the lights mean
Nothing without you.

We were two kids, just tryin' to get out,
Live on the dark side of the American dream.
We would dance all night, play our music loud,
When we grew up, nothing was what it seemed.

Hello? Hello?
C-can you hear me?
I can be your China doll
If you like to see me fall.
Boy, you're so dope,
Your love is deadly.
Tell me life is beautiful,
They think that I have it all.
I'm nothing without you.
All my dreams and all the lights mean
Nothing without you.

Hello? Hello?
C-can you hear me?
I can be your china doll
If you like to see me fall.
Boy, you're so dope,
Your love is deadly.
Tell me life is beautiful,
They think that I have it all.
I've nothing without you.
All my dreams and all the lights mean
Nothing without you.

All my dreams and all the lights mean
Nothing if I can't have you.

Albumul selectat nu contine nici o poza.

Comentarii album • 3
Soniia 30 octombrie 2014  
O ador pe Lana si tot ce canta
aww <3
roxanaghost 30 octombrie 2014  
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